Do You Have Problems Like These?
- You want to reconsider a route in order to add new delivery areas and customers.
- You are not sure if your current delivery route is optimal.
- There are routes that take too much time, causing problems with vehicle operation.
- When delivery conditions change, it takes effort to reconsider routes.
Senko's Delivery Simulation Makes the Decision
Transportation and delivery is an important function of logistics, but its cost is one of the most worrisome aspects of the costs of logistics.
In the future, it will be necessary for both customers and transportation companies to promote environmentally friendly initiatives.
At Senko, we use simulation software to create solutions to various issues, and to support planning and review of transportation and delivery.
Three Effects
- Increasing loading efficiency
- Decreasing vehicle count
- Cutting transportation costs
- Simulations can be carried out based on a wide range of settings, such as vehicle loading restrictions, vehicle number restrictions, time restrictions, and loading time.
- In addition to calculating the optimal number of vehicles, you can also investigate the optimal route plan for the existing fleet of vehicles.
- Even reconfiguring the delivery plan due to changes in delivery route, load capacity, etc., can be carried out quickly.
Simulation Example
The customer's delivery plan is considered from many angles.
Basic Process of Delivery Simulation
Logi Solution Co., Ltd.