Chain Store Logistics

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Chain Store Logistics

Creating optimal logistics solutions for customers in a variety of distribution businesses

Description of Services

Senko provides optimal logistics solutions based on its long track record of providing logistics for many chain stores.
We accommodate customer needs not only by cutting costs for chain stores, but also through cost reductions and service enhancements in the supply chain as a whole.

<Main types of businesses we handle>
Hypermarkets, discount stores, supermarkets, drugstores, compounding pharmacies, home centers, apparel, sports and other specialty chains, voluntary chains, etc.

Logistics Operating Systems Meeting a Variety of Needs

We provide the optimal logistics systems for our customers' needs.

TC I System (Delivery Agency System)

Products collected from suppliers or brought in are consolidated and categorized (by store, division, display case, etc.) at the logistics center, and then delivered in bulk.

Features of the TC I System

・Reducing the cost of merchandise shipment acceptance and returns
 ◎Planned cargo acceptance operations are made possible by scheduled bulk delivery of merchandise.
 ◎Merchandise return locations can be consolidated and store operations simplified.

・Providing backyard functions to our customers' stores
 ◎We offer consolidated acceptance of between-store merchandise transfers, making smooth adjustment of merchandise supply balances possible.
 ◎We accommodate by-store delivery assignments. We provide temporary merchandise stocking.

・Environmentally friendly distribution system
 ◎The number of transport vehicles can be reduced, taking the local environment into consideration.
 ◎The use of simple packaging (returnable boxes) reduces waste and waste disposal time and labor.

TC II System (Distribution Processing System)

This provides inspection, price labeling, and other distribution processing for merchandise delivered in bulk by item from suppliers.
It also sorts and packages by store, division, display case, and other piece units.
* Interoperable with the TC I System.

Features of the TC II System

  • Provides the features of the TC I System.
  • Reduces inspection, examination, and other shipment acceptance operations at stores, letting them focus on sales.
  • Classifying deliveries by division leads to greater efficiency in merchandise display and arrangement operations.

Cross-Docking DC System

Dividing merchandise delivered in bulk into a shipment portion and inventory portion allows for collective delivery of the shipment portion with zero days in inventory.

Features of the Cross-Docking DC System

  • Direct delivery of the shipment portion to stores makes it possible to minimize days in inventory.
  • Convenient for direct dealings with manufacturers.

DC System (Strategic Inventory System)

This provides storage of strategic and other merchandise for chain stores, and picking according to order instructions. It also provides such varied services as inventory control and customs clearance.

Features of the DC System

・Reducing the cost of merchandise shipment acceptance and returns
・Enables storage of special sale, seasonal, and other bulk-stocked merchandise
 ◎Reduces store backyard inventories and enables effective use of store space.
 ◎Reduces shortages and provides stable supply of merchandise to stores.
 ◎Merchandise return locations can be consolidated and store operations simplified.

Providing a Wide Range of Information in the Supply Chain, Reducing Total Distribution Costs

Senko uses a variety of systems to support total cost reduction in the supply chain.

  • We provide center systems such as WMS (warehouse management systems) and TMS (transport management systems).
  • We provide VMI (outsourced inventory management systems) to suppliers.
  • We also provide peripheral networks for efficient linkage of retailers, suppliers, and centers.

Contact us for inquiries about Senko’s products and services

Logistics Sales Division Chain Store Logistics Department

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