By changing various logistics systems according to needs, we support our customers' distribution strategies by shortening the process from product procurement to end-user delivery. |
Main services
Chain stores logistics :
TCⅠsystem,Cross Doc system
Fashion & Apparel :
Global SCEM system(Supporting production and circulation of apparel with 'visualization' of information)
for Housing-related Industries :
Housing logistics(Just-in-time delivery shortens construction time)
Senko will handle distribution processing when detailed sorting and delivery are required, through means such as reviewing the distribution process.
We use our uniquely developed IT system and professional logistics staff to provide consistent support from sorting, packing, and delivering of bulk and piece products to invoicing work.
Main services
for Housing-related Industries :
Housing Logistics(Sorting and delivering residential building materials to construction sites by residence)
We will propose the right service for the problems and issues that we are frequently asked about.