Moving Services

Providing reliable moving services through our nationwide network

Description of Services

We have built a network in every major city nationwide to provide reliable moving services.

List of main moving services

For corporate customers

  • Employee moving (relocation)
    Place an order with a single phone call anywhere in Japan. Our call center handles everything, from the preliminaries and estimates to arrangements and aftercare. We help reduce the burden on staff with corporate contracts.
  • Office transfers
    We provide total support (total office movement service), from office space design and construction to moving. We also handle in-building office transfers and moving of furniture and fixtures within the office space.

<List of main services>
Purchase of office furniture, office layout creation, lighting and electrical equipment work, interior work, IT and communication environment maintenance, security measures, moving work, waste disposal, restoration work

For individual customers

  • Support and services for your lifestyle ranging from house moving to transport of a single piano
    We provide integrated handling of a wide range of procedures, such as temporary storage and delivery of household goods, and the transportation and construction involved in moving.

<List of main services>

Moving support service (housekeeping service), storage rooms, transport of pianos and furniture, air conditioner removal and installation work, electricity and gas product installation work, electricity and phone wiring work, computer support services, art and antiques transportation and storage, overseas moving, apartment move-in service

* Please contact us to find out where our services are available and other details.

Hospital Relocation Services

Hospital relocations differ from ordinary moves because of the need to provide the same or a higher level of medical services as before immediately after the transfer.
Successful relocation requires careful and meticulous preparation and planning, as well as experience and expertise in relocation management.
Senko uses the wealth of experience it has cultivated to provide comprehensive backup for more than 120 hospital relocations across the country.

<List of main services>
Curing of new hospital buildings, relocation of goods, patient transfer planning and implementation support, delivery adjustment of newly purchased goods, ceremony and private exhibition planning and venue setup, collection of leftover waste

Contact us for inquiries about Senko’s products and services

Business Policy Promotion HQ, Moving Business Promotion Div.

【Tokyo】+81-3-6862-7156 【Osaka】+81-6-6440-5186
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